Mobile App Info Vias
Info Vias

Info Vias drives the future of smart mobility with the launch of real-time traffic intelligence solution for Madeira. Whether your live on Madeira or drive a rental car, this app is for you.
Today, the Regional Secretary for Equipment and Infrastructure presents a real time traffic mobile app that provides critical insight into Madeira’s road conditions. The name of the app is INFO VIAS.
100% Madeiran Application
This application, 100% from Madeira, is the result of a combination of efforts between VIALITORAL, VIAEXPRESSO, the REGIONAL DIRECTORATE OF ROADS and the PUBLIC SECURITY POLICE or PSP. Furthermore, Info Vias provides Madeiran citizens and tourists with a tool that allows anyone to stay up to date. The app details various pieces of information such as: traffic status, congestion, road interruptions or blockages.
Aim of Info Vias
The information aims to facilitate daily travel, promote car safety, and optimize traffic flows. Additionally it warns drivers of constraints such as road closure, accidents, and the like. Moreover, this application is available for free on the App Store and Google Play, in Portuguese and English.
Free Download

With this App, you have online access to traffic information on the regional roads of Madeira Island under the jurisdiction of DIREÇÃO REGIONAL DE ESTRADAS (DRE), including those granted to the Concessionaires VIALITORAL and VIAEXPRESSO. Hence, this does not include all roads of the island.
Real Time Images and Police Radars
The app allows you to be continually updated about the traffic constraints on the island, keeping track of traffic jams, occurrences, or repairs in progress, real time viewing of the images provided by cameras, and seeing where and when the Police radars (PSP) will be operating.
Alternatively, you can also consult the list of closed roads on the Madeira Tourism site.
Source: Governo Regional da Madeira